Monday, February 22, 2010

Carrie Mae Weems

in last Wednesday's class i read a quote from Aperture about a piece by a female artist whose name i could not remember.
her name is Carrie Mae Weems, the piece was "Not Manet's Type". unfortunately i cannot find the entire image on the web, but here's a part of it:

this is the quote a i read:
"...She purposefully casts herself as the object of the male gaze, and then shapes scenarios that overturn that role. One could speculate that these masters' often distorted images of women reflect a fear of the feminine; if this it eh case, then Weems takes that threat a step further. In this series the black woman's body is seductive but also willful and independent - and it is the female artist who is putting herself on display. Not Manet's Typeexplores the dilemma of the modern woman who wishes to be desired, yet not to be created in the image of a male-generated reality."

reminded me of chapter 4 of Ways of Seeing......

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