Monday, September 27, 2010

Paul Kenny

I 'stole' the below text (if anything can be stolen on the internet) from 500 photographers. Paul Kenny's work is highly interesting to me on varying levels, including but not excluded to the similarities of what I was doing (and how he did it better) when I was working with dyeing and abusing sheets of film:
Paul Kenny, Great-Britain, 1951, makes photographs that are bright in color and mysterious. One has to look twice before noticing what the viewer is looking at. Kenny gathers materials from the beach and takes them to his studio. He arranges the "insignificant things" like dried seawater, plastic fragments, seaweed and beer can bottoms to get his final result. The following images come from the series Mull Works,Seaworks 3 and Seaworks 1.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kendall Messick and Gordon Brinckle, a kind of collaboration.

Beautiful photograph by Kendall Messick of the late, Gordon Brinckle, who built this home theatre, the Shalimar Theatre, in his basement after years of working as a projectionist in movie theaters and in the army. 

The artists Kendall Messick has put together both a book and a documentary (titled The Projectionist) about Brinckle, over the course of many years. Both are just now starting to get attention. 

The story Brinckle has to tell is incredibly fascinating and as far as I can see, Kendall Messick seems to have captured it well. The photographs alone are light hearted and corky as well as visually pleasing.  I've ordered the book and dvd for an assignment at school and can't wait to dig in! 

Hope these bring a smile to some of you too!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Just real quick like...

could you kids scoot over to my blog ( ) and answer a few short questions? I would love you (more) forever! KTHXBAI.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Taryn Simon

Guinea pigs, Ecuador (prohibited)

One of my favorite photographers, Taryn Simon, has some new work out. Some of you might remember her for her work (and book) An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar in which she explored sites in the United States that usually are hidden behind closed doors and accessible only to those with either rank or privilege.

Her new work, Contraband, deals with items seized at the U.S. border, and it's pretty fascinating seeing what people have attempted to bring over. FeatureShoot did a really nice write-up on the new series, with images, you all should check out.

Taryn Simon - FeatureShoot

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Zbrush Flashlight

Over the last two weeks I been working on trying to recreating a flashlight by using Zbrush. Most of the shape was made out of a cylinder that I just extracted. My goal for this little project was to recreate a real life object and make it as realistic was passable.

I am hope if I master this skill then I can place these object into photo were it is hard to figure out what is real and what is fake.

I think this flashlight need a little more work but it is very close to the original flashlight. To me it seems a little to shiny, and the paint job needs to be more dull in color or a little less reflective.

Please leave comments on what you think.

iPad Light Painting

This is a pretty cool use of technology and light to make a stop motion animation:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gold Laptop?

I was doing some research on laptops for a project that I am working on when I found this. A 24-carat gold MacBook Pro. The case of the MacBook Pro is 24-carat Gold, including the keyboard, with the Apple logo filled with diamonds

Now this is putting on my Christmas list


THIS article from the NY Times, (of course, it IS my favorite post subject apparently) was really simple, but not without good lines, and really inspiring--"a testament to the tenacity of far-fetched ideas."

It's about a new art space in Brooklyn started up pretty randomly by a french man named Lucian Zayan, within an old factory once pumping out various novelties, such as the invisible dog leash...

"Serendipity can strike at any time."

You can see the actual space's site HERE
And the NY Times slideshow HERE

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I just read that there is a graduate from CCA's curatorial practice program running a gallery there in KC....One I've never heard of, Cara and Cabezas.

I know you kids have LOTS to do, but if anyone has the time or curiosity to check it out, I would love to hear about it.....Because I'm nosey....

Hope your new year is off to a wonderful beginning!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Olivier Valsecchi

Olivier Valsecchi is a french photographer I stumbled upon on 500 Photographers. I'm just in love with the images, the lighting is phenomenal; the subjects seem to be submerged in water. The effect the dust is an ephemeral disintegration of the performers (after all, isn't anyone who poses for a camera a performer?).

Sunday, September 5, 2010

This looks beautiful.

A show 'America by Car' by Lee Friedlander is up at the Whitney.
It looks beautiful. HERE is a slideshow, and HERE is an article. 

proposal feedback?

hello lovelies,

i could really use some feedback on the first draft of my proposal for this semester.

you can find that on my blog, here.

thank you so much!

all my love,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

yvonne todd

she was on i heart photograph about a year ago, but i didn't realize she was a kiwi until we looked one of her images during class today

she's from auckland, nz. her website can be found at

kind of reminds me of tex's omg series